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This notebook provides a quick overview for getting started with PDFPlumber document loader. For detailed documentation of all __ModuleName__Loader features and configurations head to the API reference.


Integration details

ClassPackageLocalSerializableJS support

Loader features

SourceDocument Lazy LoadingNative Async SupportExtract ImagesExtract Tables



No credentials are # PyPDFLoader

If you want to get automated best in-class tracing of your model calls you can also set your LangSmith API key by uncommenting below:

# os.environ["LANGSMITH_API_KEY"] = getpass.getpass("Enter your LangSmith API key: ")
# os.environ["LANGSMITH_TRACING"] = "true"


Install langchain_community.

%pip install -qU langchain_community pdfplumber pillow
WARNING: There was an error checking the latest version of pip.
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
%pip install ../../../../dist/patch_langchain_pdf_loader*.whl


Now we can instantiate our model object and load documents:

from langchain_community.document_loaders import PDFPlumberLoader

file_path = "./example_data/layout-parser-paper.pdf"
loader = PDFPlumberLoader(file_path)
API Reference:PDFPlumberLoader


docs = loader.load()
Document(metadata={'author': '', 'creationdate': '2021-06-22T01:27:10+00:00', 'creator': 'LaTeX with hyperref', 'keywords': '', 'moddate': '2021-06-22T01:27:10+00:00', 'ptex.fullbanner': 'This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.21 (TeX Live 2020) kpathsea version 6.3.2', 'producer': 'pdfTeX-1.40.21', 'subject': '', 'title': '', 'trapped': 'False', 'source': './example_data/layout-parser-paper.pdf', 'total_pages': 16, 'page': 0}, page_content='LayoutParser: A Unified Toolkit for Deep\nLearning Based Document Image Analysis\nZejiang Shen1 ((cid:0)), Ruochen Zhang2, Melissa Dell3, Benjamin Charles Germain\nLee4, Jacob Carlson3, and Weining Li5\n1 Allen Institute for AI\n1202 nuJ 12  ][  2v84351.3012:viXra\n2 Brown University\nruochen\n3 Harvard University\n{melissadell,jacob carlson}\n4 University of Washington\\n5 University of Waterloo\\nAbstract. Recentadvancesindocumentimageanalysis(DIA)havebeen\nprimarily driven by the application of neural networks. Ideally, research\noutcomescouldbeeasilydeployedinproductionandextendedforfurther\ninvestigation. However, various factors like loosely organized codebases\nand sophisticated model configurations complicate the easy reuse of im-\nportantinnovationsbyawideaudience.Thoughtherehavebeenon-going\nefforts to improve reusability and simplify deep learning (DL) model\ndevelopmentindisciplineslikenaturallanguageprocessingandcomputer\nvision, none of them are optimized for challenges in the domain of DIA.\nThis represents a major gap in the existing toolkit, as DIA is central to\nacademicresearchacross awiderangeof disciplinesinthesocialsciences\nand humanities. This paper introduces LayoutParser, an open-source\nlibrary for streamlining the usage of DL in DIA research and applica-\ntions. The core LayoutParser library comes with a set of simple and\nintuitiveinterfacesforapplyingandcustomizingDLmodelsforlayoutde-\ntection,characterrecognition,andmanyotherdocumentprocessingtasks.\nTo promote extensibility, LayoutParser also incorporates a community\nplatform for sharing both pre-trained models and full document digiti-\nzation pipelines. We demonstrate that LayoutParser is helpful for both\nlightweight and large-scale digitization pipelines in real-word use cases.\nThe library is publicly available at\nKeywords: DocumentImageAnalysis·DeepLearning·LayoutAnalysis\n· Character Recognition · Open Source library · Toolkit.\n1 Introduction\nDeep Learning(DL)-based approaches are the state-of-the-art for a wide range of\ndocumentimageanalysis(DIA)tasksincludingdocumentimageclassification[11,')
import pprint

{'author': '',
'creationdate': '2021-06-22T01:27:10+00:00',
'creator': 'LaTeX with hyperref',
'keywords': '',
'moddate': '2021-06-22T01:27:10+00:00',
'ptex.fullbanner': 'This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.21 (TeX Live '
'2020) kpathsea version 6.3.2',
'producer': 'pdfTeX-1.40.21',
'subject': '',
'title': '',
'trapped': 'False',
'source': './example_data/layout-parser-paper.pdf',
'total_pages': 16,
'page': 0}

Lazy Load

pages = []
for doc in loader.lazy_load():
if len(pages) >= 10:
# do some paged operation, e.g.
# index.upsert(page)

pages = []

We’ve added metadata in all parsers with the total number of pages in the document.
Why is this important? If we want to reference a document, we need to determine if it’s relevant. A reference is valid if it helps the user quickly locate the fragment within the document (using the page and/or a chunk excerpt). But if the URL points to a PDF file without a page number (for various reasons) and the file has a large number of pages, we want to remove the reference that doesn’t assist the user. There’s no point in referencing a 100-page document! The total_pages metadata can then be used.

('LayoutParser: A Unified Toolkit for DL-Based DIA 11\n'
'focuses on precision, efficiency, and robustness')
{'author': '',
'creationdate': '2021-06-22T01:27:10+00:00',
'creator': 'LaTeX with hyperref',
'keywords': '',
'moddate': '2021-06-22T01:27:10+00:00',
'ptex.fullbanner': 'This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.21 (TeX Live '
'2020) kpathsea version 6.3.2',
'producer': 'pdfTeX-1.40.21',
'subject': '',
'title': '',
'trapped': 'False',
'source': './example_data/layout-parser-paper.pdf',
'total_pages': 16,
'page': 10}

Extract the PDF by page. Each page is extracted as a langchain Document object:

loader = PDFPlumberLoader(
docs = loader.load()

Extract the whole PDF as a 'single' langchain Document object:

loader = PDFPlumberLoader(
docs = loader.load()

Add a custom pages_delimitor to identify where are ends of pages in single mode:

loader = PDFPlumberLoader(
pages_delimitor="\n-------THIS IS A CUSTOM END OF PAGE-------\n",
docs = loader.load()
LayoutParser: A Unified Toolkit for Deep
Learning Based Document Image Analysis
Zejiang Shen1 ((cid:0)), Ruochen Zhang2, Melissa Dell3, Benjamin Charles Germain
Lee4, Jacob Carlson3, and Weining Li5
1 Allen Institute for AI
1202 nuJ 12 ][ 2v84351.3012:viXra
2 Brown University
3 Harvard University
{melissadell,jacob carlson}
4 University of Washington
5 University of Waterloo
Abstract. Recentadvancesindocumentimageanalysis(DIA)havebeen
primarily driven by the application of neural networks. Ideally, research
investigation. However, various factors like loosely organized codebases
and sophisticated model configurations complicate the easy reuse of im-
efforts to improve reusability and simplify deep learning (DL) model
vision, none of them are optimized for challenges in the domain of DIA.
This represents a major gap in the existing toolkit, as DIA is central to
academicresearchacross awiderangeof disciplinesinthesocialsciences
and humanities. This paper introduces LayoutParser, an open-source
library for streamlining the usage of DL in DIA research and applica-
tions. The core LayoutParser library comes with a set of simple and
To promote extensibility, LayoutParser also incorporates a community
platform for sharing both pre-trained models and full document digiti-
zation pipelines. We demonstrate that LayoutParser is helpful for both
lightweight and large-scale digitization pipelines in real-word use cases.
The library is publicly available at
Keywords: DocumentImageAnalysis·DeepLearning·LayoutAnalysis
· Character Recognition · Open Source library · Toolkit.
1 Introduction
Deep Learning(DL)-based approaches are the state-of-the-art for a wide range of
2 Z. Shen et al.
37], layout detection [38, 22], table detection [26], and scene text detection [4].
A generalized learning-based framework dramatically reduces the need for the
methods. DL has the potential to transform DIA pipelines and benefit a broad
spectrum of large-scale document digitization projects.
However, there are several practical difficulties for taking advantages of re-
cent advances in DL-based methods: 1) DL models are notoriously convoluted
for reuse and extension. Existing models are developed using distinct frame-
works like TensorFlow [1] or PyTorch [24], and the high-level parameters can
be obfuscated by implementation details [8]. It can be a time-consuming and
frustrating experience to debug, reproduce, and adapt existing models for DIA,
and many researchers who would benefit the most from using these methods lack
the technical background to implement them from scratch. 2) Document images
contain diverse and disparate patterns across domains, and customized training
is often required to achieve a desirable detection accuracy. Currently there is no
full-fledged infrastructure for easily curating the target document image datasets
and fine-tuning or re-training the models. 3) DIA usually requires a sequence of
DL models and then perform further document analyses in separate processes,
and these pipelines are not documented in any central location (and often not
documented at all). This makes it difficult for research teams to learn about how
full pipelines are implemented and leads them to invest significant resources in
reinventing the DIA wheel.
is built with the following components:
1. Anoff-the-shelftoolkitforapplyingDLmodelsforlayoutdetection,character
recognition, and other DIA tasks (Section 3)
2. A rich repository of pre-trained neural network models (Model Zoo) that
underlies the off-the-shelf usage
3. Comprehensivetoolsforefficientdocumentimagedataannotationandmodel
tuning to support different levels of customization
4. A DL model hub and community platform for the easy sharing, distribu-
tion, and discussion of DIA models and pipelines, to promote reusability,
reproducibility, and extensibility (Section 4)
The library implements simple and intuitive Python APIs without sacrificing
generalizability and versatility, and can be easily installed via pip. Its convenient
functions for handling document image data can be seamlessly integrated with
existing DIA pipelines. With detailed documentations and carefully curated
tutorials, we hope this tool will benefit a variety of end-users, and will lead to
advances in applications in both industry and academic research.
LayoutParser is well aligned with recent efforts for improving DL model
reusability in other disciplines like natural language processing [8, 34] and com-
puter vision [35], but with a focus on unique challenges in DIA. We show
LayoutParser: A Unified Toolkit for DL-Based DIA 3
that require precision, efficiency, and robustness, as well as simple and light-
weight document processing tasks focusing on efficacy and flexibility (Section 5).
LayoutParser is being actively maintained, and support for more deep learning
models and novel methods in text-based layout analysis methods [37, 34] is
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides an overview
of related work. The core LayoutParser library, DL Model Zoo, and customized
model training are described in Section 3, and the DL model hub and commu-
nity platform are detailed in Section 4. Section 5 shows two examples of how
LayoutParser can be used in practical DIA projects, and Section 6 concludes.
2 Related Work
tasks. The dhSegment [22] utilizes fully convolutional networks [20] for segmen-
tation tasks on historical documents. Object detection-based methods like Faster
individually and there is no unified framework to load and use such models.
There has been a surge of interest in creating open-source tools for document
image processing: a search of document image analysis in Github leads to 5M
relevant code pieces 6; yet most of them rely on traditional rule-based methods
or provide limited functionalities. The closest prior research to our work is the
OCR-D project7, which also tries to build a complete toolkit for DIA. However,
similar to the platform developed by Neudecker et al. [21], it is designed for
analyzing historical documents, and provides no supports for recent DL models.
The DocumentLayoutAnalysis project8 focuses on processing born-digital PDF
documents via analyzing the stored PDF data. Repositories like DeepLayout9
and Detectron2-PubLayNet10 are individual deep learning models trained on
Analysis and Exploitation (DAE) platform [15] and the DeepDIVA project [2]
aim to improve the reproducibility of DIA methods (or DL models), yet they
are not actively maintained. OCR engines like Tesseract [14], easyOCR11 and
paddleOCR12 usually do not come with comprehensive functionalities for other
DIA tasks like layout analysis.
Recent years have also seen numerous efforts to create libraries for promoting
reproducibility and reusability in the field of DL. Libraries like Dectectron2 [35],
6 The number shown is obtained by specifying the search type as ‘code’.
4 Z. Shen et al.
Model Customization Document Images Community Platform
Efficient Data Annotation DIA Model Hub
Customized Model Training Layout Detection Models DIA Pipeline Sharing
OCR Module Layout Data Structure Storage & Visualization
The Core LayoutParser Library
Fig.1: The overall architecture of LayoutParser. For an input document image,
the core LayoutParser library provides a set of off-the-shelf tools for layout
detection, OCR, visualization, and storage, backed by a carefully designed layout
data structure. LayoutParser also supports high level customization via efficient
layout annotation and model training functions. These improve model accuracy
on the target samples. The community platform enables the easy sharing of DIA
A collection of detailed documentation, tutorials and exemplar projects make
LayoutParser easy to learn and use.
AllenNLP [8] and transformers [34] have provided the community with complete
DL-based support for developing and deploying models for general computer
vision and natural language processing problems. LayoutParser, on the other
hand, specializes specifically in DIA tasks. LayoutParser is also equipped with a
community platform inspired by established model hubs such as Torch Hub [23]
and TensorFlow Hub [1]. It enables the sharing of pretrained models as well as
full document processing pipelines that are unique to DIA tasks.
There have been a variety of document data collections to facilitate the
PubLayNet [38](academic paper layouts), Table Bank [18](tables in academic
papers), Newspaper Navigator Dataset [16, 17](newspaper figure layouts) and
HJDataset [31](historical Japanese document layouts). A spectrum of models
trained on these datasets are currently available in the LayoutParser model zoo
to support different use cases.
3 The Core LayoutParser Library
At the core of LayoutParser is an off-the-shelf toolkit that streamlines DL-
based document image analysis. Five components support a simple interface
with comprehensive functionalities: 1) The layout detection models enable using
pre-trained or self-trained DL models for layout detection with just four lines
of code. 2) The detected layout information is stored in carefully engineered
LayoutParser: A Unified Toolkit for DL-Based DIA 5
Table 1: Current layout detection models in the LayoutParser model zoo
Dataset BaseModel1 LargeModel Notes
PubLayNet[38] F/M M Layoutsofmodernscientificdocuments
PRImA[3] M - Layoutsofscannedmodernmagazinesandscientificreports
Newspaper[17] F - LayoutsofscannedUSnewspapersfromthe20thcentury
TableBank[18] F F Tableregiononmodernscientificandbusinessdocument
HJDataset[31] F/M - LayoutsofhistoryJapanesedocuments
layout data structures, which are optimized for efficiency and versatility. 3) When
necessary, users can employ existing or customized OCR models via the unified
API provided in the OCR module. 4) LayoutParser comes with a set of utility
functions for the visualization and storage of the layout data. 5) LayoutParser
is also highly customizable, via its integration with functions for layout data
annotation and model training. We now provide detailed descriptions for each
3.1 Layout Detection Models
In LayoutParser, a layout model takes a document image as an input and
generates a list of rectangular boxes for the target content regions. Different
from traditional methods, it relies on deep convolutional neural networks rather
than manually curated rules to identify content regions. It is formulated as an
object detection problem and state-of-the-art models like Faster R-CNN [28] and
Mask R-CNN [12] are used. This yields prediction results of high accuracy and
makes it possible to build a concise, generalized interface for layout detection.
LayoutParser, built upon Detectron2 [35], provides a minimal API that can
perform layout detection with only four lines of code in Python:
1 import layoutparser as lp
2 image = cv2.imread("image_file") # load images
3 model = lp.Detectron2LayoutModel(
4 "lp://PubLayNet/faster_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x/config")
5 layout = model.detect(image)
LayoutParser provides a wealth of pre-trained model weights using various
datasets covering different languages, time periods, and document types. Due to
name and model name lp://<dataset-name>/<model-architecture-name>.
6 Z. Shen et al.
Fig.2: The relationship between the three types of layout data structures.
Coordinate supports three kinds of variation; TextBlock consists of the co-
a Layout object is a list of all possible layout elements, including other Layout
objects. They all support the same set of transformation and operation APIs for
maximum flexibility.
Shown in Table 1, LayoutParser currently hosts 9 pre-trained models trained
on 5 different datasets. Description of the training dataset is provided alongside
with the trained models such that users can quickly identify the most suitable
models for their tasks. Additionally, when such a model is not readily available,
LayoutParser also supports training customized layout models and community
sharing of the models (detailed in Section 3.5).
3.2 Layout Data Structures
A critical feature of LayoutParser is the implementation of a series of data
structures and operations that can be used to efficiently process and manipulate
on the layout analysis model outputs is usually required to obtain the final
the results into other pipelines. All model outputs from LayoutParser will be
stored in carefully engineered data types optimized for further processing, which
makes it possible to build an end-to-end document digitization pipeline within
LayoutParser. There are three key components in the data structure, namely
the Coordinate system, the TextBlock, and the Layout. They provide different
levels of abstraction for the layout data, and a set of APIs are supported for
transformations or operations on these classes.
LayoutParser: A Unified Toolkit for DL-Based DIA 7
Coordinates are the cornerstones for storing layout information. Currently,
threetypesof CoordinatedatastructuresareprovidedinLayoutParser,shown
in Figure 2. Interval and Rectangle are the most common data types and
support specifying 1D or 2D regions within a document. They are parameterized
with 2 and 4 parameters. A Quadrilateral class is also implemented to support
a more generalized representation of rectangular regions when the document
is skewed or distorted, where the 4 corner points can be specified and a total
of 8 degrees of freedom are supported. A wide collection of transformations
like shift, pad, and scale, and operations like intersect, union, and is_in,
are supported for these classes. Notably, it is common to separate a segment
of the image and analyze it individually. LayoutParser provides full support
for this scenario via image cropping operations crop_image and coordinate
to and from their relative representations. We refer readers to Table 2 for a more
detailed description of these operations13.
Based on Coordinates, we implement the TextBlock class that stores both
the positional and extra features of individual layout elements. It also supports
object. A Layout class is built that takes in a list of TextBlocks and supports
layout structures. They support the same operations and transformations as the
Coordinate classes, minimizing both learning and deployment effort.
3.3 OCR
LayoutParser provides a unified interface for existing OCR tools. Though there
APIs or protocols for using them. It can be inefficient to add new OCR tools into
tools to find the best option for a particular project. To this end, LayoutParser
builds a series of wrappers among existing OCR engines, and provides nearly
the same syntax for using them. It supports a plug-and-play style of using OCR
engines, making it effortless to switch, evaluate, and compare different OCR
1 ocr_agent = lp.TesseractAgent()
2 # Can be easily switched to other OCR software
3 tokens = ocr_agent.detect(image)
The OCR outputs will also be stored in the aforementioned layout data
structures and can be seamlessly incorporated into the digitization pipeline.
Currently LayoutParser supports the Tesseract and Google Cloud Vision OCR
with the Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) loss [10]. It can be used
like the other OCR modules, and can be easily trained on customized datasets.
13 This is also available in the LayoutParser documentation pages.
8 Z. Shen et al.
Table 2: All operations supported by the layout elements. The same APIs are
supported across different layout element classes including Coordinate types,
TextBlock and Layout.
OperationName Description
block.pad(top, bottom, right, left) Enlargethecurrentblockaccordingtotheinput
block.scale(fx, fy)
block.shift(dx, dy)
block1.isin(block2) Whetherblock1isinsideofblock2
block.cropimage(image) Obtaintheimagesegmentsintheblockregion
3.4 Storage and visualization
The end goal of DIA is to transform the image-based document data into a
structured database. LayoutParser supports exporting layout data into different
formats like JSON, csv, and will add the support for the METS/ALTO XML
format 14 . It can also load datasets from layout analysis-specific formats like
COCO [38] and the Page Format [25] for training layout models (Section 3.5).
Visualization of the layout detection results is critical for both presentation
and debugging. LayoutParser is built with an integrated API for displaying the
modes. More detailed information can be found in the online LayoutParser
documentation page.
3.5 Customized Model Training
Besides the off-the-shelf library, LayoutParser is also highly customizable with
supports for highly unique and challenging document analysis tasks. Target
document images can be vastly different from the existing datasets for train-
ing layout models, which leads to low layout detection accuracy. Training data
LayoutParser: A Unified Toolkit for DL-Based DIA 9
Fig.3: Layout detection and OCR results visualization generated by the
LayoutParser APIs. Mode I directly overlays the layout region bounding boxes
and categories over the original image. Mode II recreates the original document
via drawing the OCR’d texts at their corresponding positions on the image
canvas. In this figure, tokens in textual regions are filtered using the API and
then displayed.
can also be highly sensitive and not sharable publicly. To overcome these chal-
lenges, LayoutParser is built with rich features for efficient data annotation and
customized model training.
LayoutParser incorporates a toolkit optimized for annotating document lay-
outs using object-level active learning [32]. With the help from a layout detection
each image, rather than the whole image, are required for labeling. The rest of
the regions are automatically annotated with high confidence predictions from
the layout detection model. This allows a layout dataset to be created more
efficiently with only around 60% of the labeling budget.
After the training dataset is curated, LayoutParser supports different modes
for training the layout models. Fine-tuning can be used for training models on a
small newly-labeled dataset by initializing the model with existing pre-trained
weights. Training from scratch can be helpful when the source dataset and
target are significantly different and a large training set is available. However, as
suggested in Studer et al.’s work[33], loading pre-trained weights on large-scale
datasets like ImageNet [5], even from totally different domains, can still boost
model performance. Through the integrated API provided by LayoutParser,
users can easily compare model performances on the benchmark datasets.
10 Z. Shen et al.
Fig.4: Illustration of (a) the original historical Japanese document with layout
the tokens based on the their detected bounding boxes given a maximum allowed
4 LayoutParser Community Platform
Another focus of LayoutParser is promoting the reusability of layout detection
models and full digitization pipelines. Similar to many existing deep learning
libraries, LayoutParser comes with a community model hub for distributing
layout models. End-users can upload their self-trained models to the model hub,
and these models can be loaded into a similar interface as the currently available
LayoutParser pre-trained models. For example, the model trained on the News
Navigator dataset [17] has been incorporated in the model hub.
Beyond DL models, LayoutParser also promotes the sharing of entire doc-
ument digitization pipelines. For example, sometimes the pipeline requires the
are mainly described in academic papers and implementations are often not pub-
licly available. To this end, the LayoutParser community platform also enables
the sharing of layout pipelines to promote the discussion and reuse of techniques.
For each shared pipeline, it has a dedicated project page, with links to the source
code, documentation, and an outline of the approaches. A discussion panel is
provided for exchanging ideas. Combined with the core LayoutParser library,
users can easily build reusable components based on the shared pipelines and
apply them to solve their unique problems.
5 Use Cases
Thecoreobjectiveof LayoutParseristomakeiteasiertocreatebothlarge-scale
LayoutParser: A Unified Toolkit for DL-Based DIA 11
focuses on precision, efficiency, and robustness. The target documents may have
to achieve the optimal accuracy. Light-weight pipelines are built for relatively
simple documents, with an emphasis on development ease, speed and flexibility.
Ideally one only needs to use existing resources, and model training should be
avoided. Through two exemplar projects, we show how practitioners in both
academia and industry can easily build such pipelines using LayoutParser and
extract high-quality structured document data for their downstream tasks. The
source code for these projects will be publicly available in the LayoutParser
community hub.
5.1 A Comprehensive Historical Document Digitization Pipeline
The digitization of historical documents can unlock valuable data that can shed
light on many important social, economic, and historical questions. Yet due to
In this example, LayoutParser was
used to develop a comprehensive
pipeline, shown in Figure 5, to gener-
ate high-quality structured data from
historical Japanese firm financial ta-
bles with complicated layouts. The
pipeline applies two layout models to
identify different levels of document
structures and two customized OCR
engines for optimized character recog-
nition accuracy.
As shown in Figure 4 (a), the
document contains columns of text
written vertically 15, a common style
in Japanese. Due to scanning noise
and archaic printing technology, the
columns can be skewed or have vari-
able widths, and hence cannot be eas-
ily identified via rule-based methods.
Within each column, words are sepa-
rated by white spaces of variable size, Fig.5:Illustrationofhow LayoutParser
and the vertical positions of objects helps with the historical document digi-
can be an indicator of their layout tization pipeline.
15 A document page consists of eight rows like this. For simplicity we skip the row
segmentation discussion and refer readers to the source code when available.
12 Z. Shen et al.
structure, two object detection models have been trained to recognize individual
columns and tokens, respectively. A small training set (400 images with approxi-
mately 100 annotations each) is curated via the active learning based annotation
tool [32] in LayoutParser. The models learn to identify both the categories and
regions for each token or column via their distinct visual features. The layout
data structure enables easy grouping of the tokens within each column, and
position. Errors are identified and rectified via checking the consistency of the
model predictions. Therefore, though trained on a small dataset, the pipeline
achieves a high level of layout detection accuracy: it achieves a 96.97 AP [19]
score across 5 categories for the column detection model, and a 89.23 AP across
4 categories for the token detection model.
A combination of character recognition methods is developed to tackle the
unique challenges in this document. In our experiments, we found that irregular
spacing between the tokens led to a lowcharacter recognition recall rate, whereas
existing OCR models tend to perform better on densely-arranged texts. To
overcome this challenge, we create a document reorganization algorithm that
rearranges the text based on the token bounding boxes detected in the layout
analysis step. Figure 4 (b) illustrates the generated image of dense text, which is
sent to the OCR APIs as a whole to reduce the transaction costs. The flexible
to their original positions on the page.
Additionally, it is common for historical documents to use unique fonts
with different glyphs, which significantly degrades the accuracy of OCR models
trained on modern texts. In this document, a special flat font is used for printing
flexible functionalities from LayoutParser, a pipeline approach is constructed
that achieves a high recognition accuracy with minimal effort. As the characters
have unique visual structures and are usually clustered together, we train the
layout model to identify number regions with a dedicated category. Subsequently,
them using a self-trained OCR model based on a CNN-RNN [6]. The model
detects a total of 15 possible categories, and achieves a 0.98 Jaccard score16 and
a 0.17 average Levinstein distances17 for token prediction on the test set.
Overall, it is possible to create an intricate and highly accurate digitization
pipeline for large-scale digitization using LayoutParser. The pipeline avoids
specifying the complicated rules used in traditional methods, is straightforward
to develop, and is robust to outliers. The DL models also generate fine-grained
results that enable creative approaches like page reorganization for OCR.
16 This measures the overlap between the detected and ground-truth characters, and
the maximum is 1.
17 This measures the number of edits from the ground-truth text to the predicted text,
and lower is better.
LayoutParser: A Unified Toolkit for DL-Based DIA 13
Fig.6: This lightweight table detector can identify tables (outlined in red) and
cells (shaded in blue) in different locations on a page. In very few cases (d), it
might generate minor error predictions, e.g, failing to capture the top text line of
a table.
5.2 A light-weight Visual Table Extractor
Detecting tables and parsing their structures (table extraction) are of central im-
portance for many document digitization tasks. Many previous works [26, 30, 27]
and tools 18 have been developed to identify and parse table structures. Yet they
might require training complicated models from scratch, or are only applicable
forborn-digitalPDFdocuments.Inthissection,weshowhow LayoutParsercan
help build a light-weight accurate visual table extractor for legal docket tables
using the existing resources with minimal effort.
The extractor uses a pre-trained layout detection model for identifying the
table regions and some simple rules for pairing the rows and the columns in the
PDF image. Mask R-CNN [12] trained on the PubLayNet dataset [38] from the
LayoutParser Model Zoo can be used for detecting table regions. By filtering
out model predictions of low confidence and removing overlapping predictions,
LayoutParser can identify the tabular regions on each page, which significantly
simplifies the subsequent steps. By applying the line detection functions within
the tabular segments, provided in the utility module from LayoutParser, the
pipeline can identify the three distinct columns in the tables. A row clustering
the left-most column, which are obtained from the OCR engines. A non-maximal
suppression algorithm is used to remove duplicated rows with extremely small
on a page accurately. Continued tables from different pages are concatenated,
and a structured table representation has been easily created.
14 Z. Shen et al.
6 Conclusion
image analysis. The off-the-shelf library is easy to install, and can be used to
build flexible and accurate pipelines for processing documents with complicated
training of DL models on unique document image datasets. The LayoutParser
community platform facilitates sharing DL models and DIA pipelines, inviting
team is committed to keeping the library updated continuously and bringing
the most recent advances in DL-based DIA, such as multi-modal document
modeling [37, 36, 9] (an upcoming priority), to a diverse audience of end-users.
Acknowledgements We thank the anonymous reviewers for their comments
and suggestions. This project is supported in part by NSF Grant OIA-2033558
and funding from the Harvard Data Science Initiative and Harvard Catalyst.
Zejiang Shen thanks Doug Downey for suggestions.
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This could simply be \n, or \f to clearly indicate a page change, or <!-- PAGE BREAK --> for seamless injection in a Markdown viewer without a visual effect.

Why is it important to identify page breaks when retrieving the full document flow? Because we generally want to provide a URL with the chunk’s location when the LLM answers. While it’s possible to reference the entire PDF, this isn’t practical if it’s more than two pages long. It’s better to indicate the specific page to display in the URL. Therefore, assistance is needed so that chunking algorithms can add the page metadata to each chunk. The choice of delimiter helps the algorithm prioritize this parameter.

Extract images from the PDF

In LangChain the OCR process used by the parsers involves asking the parser for the text on a page, then retrieving images to apply OCR.
In the previous implementation the text extracted from images was appended to the end of the page text. In a RAG context it means if in the original document a paragraph is spread across two pages it would have been cut in half by the OCR process putting the text (from the image) in between, worsening RAG model's performance.

To avoid this, we modified the strategy for injecting OCR results from images. Now, the result is inserted between the last and the second-to-last paragraphs of text (\n\n or \n) of the page.

Extract images from the PDF in html format (could also be markdown or text) with rapid OCR:

%pip install -qU rapidocr-onnxruntime
from langchain_community.document_loaders.parsers.pdf import (

loader = PDFPlumberLoader(
docs = loader.load()

6 Z. Shen et al.
Fig.2: The relationship between the three types of layout data structures.
Coordinate supports three kinds of variation; TextBlock consists of the co-
a Layout object is a list of all possible layout elements, including other Layout
objects. They all support the same set of transformation and operation APIs for
maximum flexibility.
Shown in Table 1, LayoutParser currently hosts 9 pre-trained models trained
on 5 different datasets. Description of the training dataset is provided alongside
with the trained models such that users can quickly identify the most suitable
models for their tasks. Additionally, when such a model is not readily available,
LayoutParser also supports training customized layout models and community
sharing of the models (detailed in Section 3.5).
3.2 Layout Data Structures
A critical feature of LayoutParser is the implementation of a series of data
structures and operations that can be used to efficiently process and manipulate
on the layout analysis model outputs is usually required to obtain the final
the results into other pipelines. All model outputs from LayoutParser will be
stored in carefully engineered data types optimized for further processing, which
makes it possible to build an end-to-end document digitization pipeline within
LayoutParser. There are three key components in the data structure, namely
the Coordinate system, the TextBlock, and the Layout. They provide different
levels of abstraction for the layout data, and a set of APIs are supported for
transformations or operations on these classes.
<img alt="Coordinate
(x1, y1)
(X1, y1)
(x2, y2)
(x4, y4)
(x3, y3)
Extra features
A list of the layout elements" />

RapidOCR is designed to work with Chinese and English, not other languages. Since the implementation uses a function rather than a method, it’s not possible to modify it. We have modified the various parsers to allow for selecting other algorithm to analyze images. Now, it’s possible to also use Tesseract, or invoke a multimodal LLM to get a description of the image.

Extract images from the PDF in text format (could also be html or markdown) with tesseract:

%pip install -qU pytesseract
from langchain_community.document_loaders.parsers.pdf import (

loader = PDFPlumberLoader(
docs = loader.load()
6 Z. Shen et al.
Fig.2: The relationship between the three types of layout data structures.
Coordinate supports three kinds of variation; TextBlock consists of the co-
a Layout object is a list of all possible layout elements, including other Layout
objects. They all support the same set of transformation and operation APIs for
maximum flexibility.
Shown in Table 1, LayoutParser currently hosts 9 pre-trained models trained
on 5 different datasets. Description of the training dataset is provided alongside
with the trained models such that users can quickly identify the most suitable
models for their tasks. Additionally, when such a model is not readily available,
LayoutParser also supports training customized layout models and community
sharing of the models (detailed in Section 3.5).
3.2 Layout Data Structures
A critical feature of LayoutParser is the implementation of a series of data
structures and operations that can be used to efficiently process and manipulate
on the layout analysis model outputs is usually required to obtain the final
the results into other pipelines. All model outputs from LayoutParser will be
stored in carefully engineered data types optimized for further processing, which
makes it possible to build an end-to-end document digitization pipeline within
LayoutParser. There are three key components in the data structure, namely
the Coordinate system, the TextBlock, and the Layout. They provide different
levels of abstraction for the layout data, and a set of APIs are supported for
transformations or operations on these classes.





Extra features







[ coordinatel textblock1 |

“y textblock2 , layout1 ]

A list of the layout elements

The same transformation and operation APIs

Extract images from the PDF in markdown format (could also be html or text) with vision model:

%pip install -qU langchain_openai
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv

# Charger les variables d'environnement à partir du fichier .env
from getpass import getpass

if not os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY"):
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = getpass("OpenAI API key =")
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
from langchain_community.document_loaders.parsers.pdf import (

loader = PDFPlumberLoader(
model=ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o", max_tokens=1024), format="markdown"
docs = loader.load()
6 Z. Shen et al.
Fig.2: The relationship between the three types of layout data structures.
Coordinate supports three kinds of variation; TextBlock consists of the co-
a Layout object is a list of all possible layout elements, including other Layout
objects. They all support the same set of transformation and operation APIs for
maximum flexibility.
Shown in Table 1, LayoutParser currently hosts 9 pre-trained models trained
on 5 different datasets. Description of the training dataset is provided alongside
with the trained models such that users can quickly identify the most suitable
models for their tasks. Additionally, when such a model is not readily available,
LayoutParser also supports training customized layout models and community
sharing of the models (detailed in Section 3.5).
3.2 Layout Data Structures
A critical feature of LayoutParser is the implementation of a series of data
structures and operations that can be used to efficiently process and manipulate
on the layout analysis model outputs is usually required to obtain the final
the results into other pipelines. All model outputs from LayoutParser will be
stored in carefully engineered data types optimized for further processing, which
makes it possible to build an end-to-end document digitization pipeline within
LayoutParser. There are three key components in the data structure, namely
the Coordinate system, the TextBlock, and the Layout. They provide different
levels of abstraction for the layout data, and a set of APIs are supported for
transformations or operations on these classes.
![Summary: The image illustrates a conceptual framework for organizing layout elements, featuring coordinates, text blocks, and layouts. It shows diagrams of intervals, rectangles, and quadrilaterals, and explains the combination of coordinates with extra features like block text, block type, and reading order. The layout is depicted as a list of elements.

Extracted Text:
- Coordinate
- start
- end
- x-interval
- y-interval
- Rectangle
- (x1, y1)
- (x2, y2)
- Quadrilateral
- (x1, y1)
- (x2, y2)
- (x3, y3)
- (x4, y4)
- textblock
- Coordinate
- Extra features
- Block Text
- Block Type
- Reading Order
- ...
- layout
- A list of the layout elements
- The same transformation and operation APIs](.)

Extract tables from the PDF in markdown (could also be html or csv)

loader = PDFPlumberLoader(
docs = loader.load()
LayoutParser: A Unified Toolkit for DL-Based DIA 5
Table 1: Current layout detection models in the LayoutParser model zoo
|F/M M F F F/M|M - - F -|

PubLayNet[38] Layoutsofmodernscientificdocuments
PRImA[3] Layoutsofscannedmodernmagazinesandscientificreports
Newspaper[17] LayoutsofscannedUSnewspapersfromthe20thcentury
TableBank[18] Tableregiononmodernscientificandbusinessdocument
HJDataset[31] LayoutsofhistoryJapanesedocuments

API reference

For detailed documentation of all PDFPlumberLoader features and configurations head to the API reference:

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